The functionality of Mallion differs from the violin in that it is just as spectacular, but it can be far more physically demanding than your average acoustic model.

Because of the powerful weight, design and mass of the instruments, they must be played with more strength and will. Not only is the Mallion violin bladed on either side of the body (a highly useful distinction for defending one’s self or ego), but it is too heavy to be supported by the chin and shoulder. 

Instead, it slides onto an attractive leather and steel harness, called the Passion Hame, which lays across the shoulder and alleviates most of the weight. Without using the chin to support the instrument, the player is allowed the freedom to perform vocals and play at the same time. 

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Comments (2)

    • Erich Meatleg


      Hey there! Yes I haven’t made one in a while, but I have done some recording for some small movies that I made in the video section of this site. The movies called Spooky Action and Spooky Action II. On the first movie I used my acoustic, but the second I use my electric.

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