In 2008, a new world record for the purchase price of a musical instrument was set when Maxim Viktorov of Russia purchased a violin for $3.93 million US dollars. The justification for the value was found primarily in the fact that:

  1. the maker of the violin was Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù (1698 – 1744); considered the only real rival of Antonio Stradivari (1644 – 1737),
  2. it is a very old piece, and
  3. not only it is well made, but it is still in good condition.

Not only would I suggest that this violin is primarily valued as a historical artifact, but I would also suggest that a modern, electric violin could command more value. Not within the same paradigm, rather it would offer a created, commissioned value, as opposed to an established, historical value. The rise of electronics in instruments has given artists like myself great liberty to break from the restrictions that an established value hinges on. Electric instruments are not bound by the laws of acoustics, and therefore do not necessarily require shaped wood and glue. I have used the traditional woods in my designs, but I also have the freedom to use any material I desire, such as using steel as the foundation. An electric violin of a high, created value and quality could be made from steel, stainless steel, aluminum, silver, gold or platinum. Because the acoustics are borne of the electric component, such an instrument could also be encrusted with jewels and custom embellishments without concern for the sound quality. 

This is my proposal: the next record for the world’s most expensive violin, or the world’s most expensive instrument should be based on the created value that modern, electric violins can command.  I have the talent and the vision to make such a proposal happen, as is evidenced by my work and the examples here of the process from first sketch to finished product.

Contact me with inquiries and proposals.
– Erich Meatleg – 

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