Erich Meatleg is the Lead Animation Guru at Meatleg Productions. As the frontman of the company, he is also the Lead Minister of Interviews, the CEO and the Producer Prime.

From a young age, Erich Meatleg had a passion for drawing, that evolved into the desire to create three dimensionally. On the road to completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts with an emphasis in sculpture, he apprenticed with several blacksmiths in Missouri and Colorado. During his studies, he combined his love of musical composition and sculpture to create a series of electric violins, cellos and contrabasses from steel.

Electric Instruments, stands and case by Erich Meatleg. Paintings by Daniel Willams.

After immigrating to Japan and becoming a father, he wanted to invite his children into a creative adventure, so he began to produce short films to incorporate model making and practical effects,  stop animation with live action composited over green screen.

Erich Meatleg primarily shoots video with an iPhone and has taught video editing at Apple as a hybrid Creative over the course of the last ten years. He continues to illustrate, write music, and produce video in collaboration with his comrades as a part of Meatleg Productions.

The Quantum Twinz series is a Meatleg Productions original